Please make a link to our site!
Do you have your own Web page? We will be very grateful
if you would like to place one of our link buttons on it.
Below are our 88x31 buttons and corresponding HTML code.
You will need to download one of our buttons (3-10K) and then change the
image path to reflect the location of the button image on your server.
To link to the Gracebyte home page use:

<a href=""><img
width=88 height=31 border=0 target=_blank
alt="Gracebyte Software - high quality multimedia and communication
software solutions "></a>
<a href=""><img
width=88 height=31 border=0 target=_blank
alt="Gracebyte Software - high quality multimedia and communication
software solutions"></a>
To link directly to the CoolCD Studio page use:

<a href=""><img
width=88 height=31 border=0 target=_blank
alt="CoolCD Studio - The premium Audio CD player for Windows"></a> |
<a href=""><img
width=88 height=31 border=0 target=_blank
alt="CoolCD Studio - The premium Audio CD player for Windows"></a> |
To link directly to the Network Assistant page use:

<a href=""><img
width=88 height=31 border=0 target=_blank
alt="Network Assistant - The real-time communication utility
for SO/HO environments"></a> |
you !
© 2001-2017 Gracebyte Software - All rights reserved. Contact
Last Modified: April 15, 2017
